Friday, October 9, 2009

I am loving...

...the cooler weather!! It finally feels like Fall. It is perfect football weather. It makes me want to go out and buy a pumpkin for the front steps. And for the first night, I had to add my fleece blanket to the bed! Oh, the little things that excite me!

Tonight, on "Say Yes to the Dress" (yes, I am a hopeless romantic that dreams about weddings!), there was a girl shopping for her wedding dress and she had lost 120 pounds! I wanted to jump through the screen and ask her so many questions! How long did it take her? How did she do it? What kind of support did she have? I thought she was a beautiful girl. I feel like she had a style much like my own. It sadden me to watch her shop for her dress as she didn't realize how beautiful she was. She looked so fabulous, yet when she looked in the mirror, she still saw the old her looking back at her. She, not unlike me, had been big her whole life. They showed pictures of her growing up and it reminded me so much of myself. I hope that one day, I get to the point where she is physically. She was beautiful. But I hope and pray that I move past her emotionally. I want to be proud of my new body. I want to love myself and enjoy my accomplishments. I don't want to be trapped in this body for forever, if even it is only in my mind. I am so glad I saw this tonight and could see what I had to look forward to as well as what I want to make sure doesn't happen to me.

Below is my food for today. I took off working out today, so that means this weekend I MUST workout both days!

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